How do I dispose of leftover paint?

The best option is to use up all of the paint. If you have a substantial amount left over from your project, try contacting elementary schools, theater groups, Habitat for Humanity, the Ronald McDonald House, or other community groups to see if they can use your paint for their projects.

            Latex paint: Allow the paint to solidify, and then dispose the paint and the can in your regular trash. There are commercially available agents (as well as cat litter, sand or sawdust) that speed the solidifying process along. You can also simply pour thin layers (about 1″ of paint) into a cardboard box lined with plastic and then allow the paint to dry one layer at a time until all paint has hardened.

            Oil paint: Oil paint is a household hazardous waste, and must be taken to the Eco-Depot, either the main location at the Central Landfill in Johnston or at one of the satellite locations held around the state.

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