Environmental Commission

 Camp Meehan. Photo by Dave Hendricks


It is the mission of the the North Providence Environmental Commission [NPEC] to improve our community by: helping to create a green infrastructure, spearheading environmental education, conserving our natural resources, involving neighborhoods in beautification and recycling efforts and helping residents to understand the value of a pleasant , healthy and beautiful place to live.

Core Values

Commitment to clean air, clean water, and clean streets; dedication to the preservation of open space and neighborhood beautification through public landscaping.


In 1995 the Town issued a Tree Ordinance mandating the hiring of a Tree Warden (licensed arborist).  The Ordinance outlined the Town’s commitment to the care and maintenance of trees on municipal property. In 1997 the North Providence Environmental Commission was created.  The intent was to create an urban forest and beautify the Town.  During the past 10 years, the Commission has planted 400 trees in the community ranging from Mineral Spring Avenue to Smith Street and many places in between.  


Develop a well-managed urban forest master plan for North Providence. Besides their beauty, urban trees are beneficial to the environment. They are air   filters and reduce airborne pollutants by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.  Shade trees lower house temperatures in summer. Trees planted in Town  will translate to cleaner air, softer winds, and more beautiful streets, which are the goals of the Commission.  

Completed Projects  

  • RIPTA plantings and landscaping at bus turn around property on Smith Street;
  • Flower planting at WWII monument in Centredale.

Current and Proposed Projects 

  • develop an urban forestry master plan for North Providence
  • plan community cleanups, involving high school students
  • beautify the area surrounding the Water Supply land at Mineral Spring Avenue and Smithfield Road
  • encourage/expand small-business landscaping on major streets
  • active support of Camp Meehan an open space
  • maintain war memorials by planning for their enhancement with plants and flowers
  • encourage the enforcement of the Town’s sidewalk snow removal ordinance
  • support a pure recycling plan which will save taxpayers thousands of dollars in tipping fees


If you are interested in assisting the Commission, either by volunteering or by making constructive suggestions, please e-mail us.

The North Providence Environmental Commission is linked to: 

  • Environmental Council of Rhode Island
  • Rhode Island Land Trust Council
  • Rhode Island Tree Council
  • Environmental Council of Rhode Island
  • North Providence Land Trust
  • North Providence Department of Public Works
  • Fruit Hill Neighborhood Association

Stop the Asian Longhorned Beetle

The Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) is native to China and Korea. Adults are large (3/4 to 1 1/2 inches long) with very loncy black and while banded antennae. The body is glossy black with irregular white spots. ALB is a serious pest of maple trees and other hardwoods.  Visit www.uvm.edu/albeetle for more information.



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North Providence Town Hall
2000 Smith St. • North Providence, Rhode Island 02911
Phone (401) 232-0900 • Fax (401) 232-3434
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