Town Forms

Tax Assessor FormsTax Collector Forms Purchasing Forms
Payroll FormsAccounts Payable Forms • Personnel Forms
Planning & Zoning FormsVoter Registration Form • Inspections Forms

Tax Assessor’s Forms

Real Estate/Tangible Tax Appeal Application
If you wish to Appeal your Tax Bill, the Tax Appeal Application form must be filed with the Tax Assessor’s Office within 90 days of the first payment due. Please refer to the Tax Appeal Application form for full instructions. Once the Appeal is received you will be notified by mail when the Tax Board of Review will be hearing your Appeal.  Real Estate/Tangible Tax Appeal Form

Motor Vehicle Tax Appeal Application
If you wish to Appeal your Motor Vehicle (Excise) Tax Bill, the Tax Appeal Application form must be filed within 30 days of the mailing of the tax bill.  You must submit 2 copies of the appeal application along with a copy of the tax bill.  Each vehicle you are appealing must be filed separately.  Motor Vehicle appeals are sent to the State of Rhode Island’s Vehicle Value Commission.  The Vehicle Value Commission will notify the Tax Assessor’s Office with their decision based on your appeal and in turn, the Tax Assessor’s Office will notify you by mail of the decision that was rendered.  Motor Vehicle Tax Appeal Application

Variable Exemption
Homeowners who have been residents of the Town of North Providence FIVE YEARS or more, and are 65 years of age an/or who are 100% disabled who’s combined income is $15,000 or less can apply for our Variable Exemption. This Application can be submitted to the Tax Assessor’s office by April 15.   Variable Exemption Form

Special Adapted Motor Vehicle Exemption Form
Tax Exemption on vehicles adapted for persons who are disabled. Specially Adapted Motor Vehicle means a motor vehicle with special adaptations; provided, that the cost of the special adaptations meet or exceeds seven percent (7%) of the value of the motor vehicle. Qualifying vehicles will receive 50% value reduction. Special Adapted Motor Vehicle Exemption Form

Interstate Trucking Exemption Application
According to statute 44-34-4.1, any bus, truck, or trailer that was operated by a bus or trucking company exclusively for the purpose of interstate commerce can apply for this exemption so that no excise tax is imposed on such vehicles.  The registrant must complete an affidavit.  If the operator of such bus, truck, or trailer was a bus or trucking company that was not the registrant, an affidavit must also be completed by the bus or trucking company.  Interstate Trucking Exemption Form

Tax Collector’s Forms

Application for the 10 month Tax Club payment plan
Payments are made before the last days of September thru June. Taxes must be current to apply (all previous years paid). Your total bill must be over $120.00. You may apply for Real Estate, Motor Vehicle or Tangible Business.  10 Month Plan Application

Application for Municipal Lien Certificate
This form is used by Attorney’s and/or Title Searcher’s to acquire information in order to prepare for closing of selling or refinancing properties.  Municipal Lien Certificate

You must include a self addressed stamped envelope, a check for $25.00 and mail to:

Town of North Providence
Tax Collection Office MLC
2000 Smith Street
North Providence, RI 02911

Purchasing Forms

Bid Document Received Notification
Use this form to notify the Purchasing Department that you have received bid documents from this web site.  By using this form you will be notified of any changes or updates.  Bid Document Received Notification Form

Plowing Application
The Town of North Providence on occasion will hire vendors for snow plowing services and material spreaders (sanders). Applications are available November of each year.   Plow Application 

Payroll Forms

Accounts Payable Forms

Personnel Forms

Planning & Zoning Forms

Voter Forms

Inspections Forms

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North Providence Town Hall
2000 Smith St. • North Providence, Rhode Island 02911
Phone (401) 232-0900 • Fax (401) 232-3434
email • map & driving directions

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