The contact forms linked below are provided by the Town of North Providence to assist residents in reporting routine service requests.
Although you can use these online forms to report these requests at any time, all non-emergency requests will be handled during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please report emergency conditions immediately to the North Providence Police Department at 401-231-4533. An example of an emergency condition would be a water main break or any other type of dangerous condition. This account is not actively monitored 24/7.
For roadway concerns, the town handles issues that occur on town roads only, not state roads. State roads are major roads in town such as Mineral Spring Ave (Rt. 15), Smith St. (Rt. 44), Centerdale Bypass, Fruit Hill Ave from Smith St to Providence line (RIC campus).
Your contact information on the forms will only be used to contact you regarding your submission, follow up or confirm that your submission was received.
Report a problem with a REGULAR street light directly to PRISM Streetlights (Partnership for Rhode Island Streetlight Management) with their web-based form here. You can report problems such as light out, light on during the day, dim light, etc. Having the pole number is helpful. |
To report a light out on a DECORATIVE black light pole in Centerdale or Marieville, please use this form: Report Light Out on Decorative Black Light Pole. |