Recycling & Refuse

Get the 2025 North Providence Trash & Recycling Calendar (.pdf)

Leaf And Yard Waste Program




Picked up on your weekly schedule – no need to call for pickup.




Policies & Fees

Mattress & Box Spring: Residents can go to the recycling office located at 2 Mafalda Street, North Providence, RI and pay the $25.00 fee per item to pick up a mattress bag and schedule the requested pickup. Checks must be made payable to the “Town of North Providence”.

Televisions & Electronics: Residents can bring all electronic equipment to the Recycling Office at 2 Mafalda Street. Such items shall include televisions, cell phones, computers, microwave ovens, power tools, and CD players. There will be a $15.00 fee per television to have one picked up at the residence.

Large Appliances
Effective November 29, 2021:

  • The Town will be charging 20 dollars for refrigerators;
  • The Town will be charging 20 dollars for washer and dryer;
  • The Town will be charging 15 dollars for air conditioners.

Appliances are collected by contacting DPW at 401-233-1440, Monday-Friday (7 am – 3:30 pm). Doors must be removed prior to pick up..

Recycling Saves Tax Dollars
and Now Recycling Just Got Easier!

Recycling Saves Tax Dollars It’s OK to mix your recyclables together! No new tote is necessary – simply use what you have. Your recycled paper, cardboard, and containers will be mixed in the collection truck too. And don’t worry, mixing is a good thing! Our new recycling facility will do the rest. Now it’s either recycling or it isn’t. More information here


The Total Participation Recycling Program for North Providence began in 2010. The Town of North Providence will no longer collect garbage from residents who do not recycle. Read more here

Frequently Asked Questions

(Click a question to see the answer)
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Is trash, recycling, and yard waste pick-up delayed due to a holiday?

Yes.  When a holiday occurs, normal scheduled pick-ups are one day later (For example, for  a Monday holiday, Monday’s  pick-up is Tuesday, Tuesday’s is Wednesday ……..and Friday’s is Saturday).  Here are the holidays that affect the schedule for trash pickup – these dates are also noted on the Town Calendar:

The Trash Pickup Holiday Schedule 
dates are also noted on the Town calendar.

January 1st

New Year’s Day  

3rd Monday in January

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

3rd Monday in February

Presidents Day

Last Monday in May

Memorial Day  

June 19th


July 4th

Independence Day  

2nd Monday in August

Victory Day

1st Monday in September

Labor Day  

2nd Monday in October

Columbus Day  

November 11th

Veterans Day  

4th Thursday in November


December 25th

Christmas Day  




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What are the conditions for trash pickup?

  • Rubbish must be at the curb by 6:00 am on the day of collection. May be placed curbside after 6:00 pm the night before.
  • No more than 10 containers, barrels, or bags are permitted for a single family dwelling (For example, 4 bags of trash and 4 chairs)
  • Containers or barrels shall be of the 35 or 45 gallon capacity; and plastic bags shall be no larger than 30 gallon capacity.
  • 55 gallon drums, custom-made barrels or containers larger than 30 gallons are not acceptable.
  • Items must not weigh over 35 pounds in any one container, barrel or bag.
  • Bricks, earth gravel, rocks, or dead animals are not acceptable for collection. No construction debris.
  • There is a rubbish ordinance in existence which prohibits placing trash curbside no sooner than 24 hours before pick up day and all trash receptacles must be returned to the yard before the end of pick up day.

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Are there organizations that can reuse my “heavy-items”?

Yes. The RI Donation Exchange Program: 831-5511, The Salvation Army: 421-5270; Goodwill: 861-2080.

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If I have a general question or complaint who should I call?

Contact Recycling & Trash coordinator at 719-1610

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How do I recycle cardboard boxes?

Cardboard is a recyclable item. Cardboard put out as trash will not be thrown away.  Residents are also reminded that cardboard boxes may not be used as a trash container.  Improperly cut cardboard put to the curb or cardboard boxes containing trash will not be collected by the recycling or trash collector. 

Residents are asked to please take the little extra necessary time to properly flatten cardboard down to size and recycle properly.  This reduces the amount of garbage we’re throwing away, and also saves your tax dollars, because recycled items are disposed of at the landfill for free!

Cardboard may be flattened (pull bottom of box out and flatten). Open lid of tote and place flattened cardboard across the barrel and shut lid. Make sure small silver bar is facing the street.

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Can I recycle used motor oil? Used oil filters?

Used motor oil and oil filters may be recycled at the Public Works facility between 7:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 

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How do I get a new recycling tote? Is there a cost?

Garbage totes and Recycling totes are $65 dollars each. Get them at the DPW, located at 2 Mafalda Street.

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What items are recyclable?

Visit the RI Resource Recovery Corp web site or speak with the North Providence Recycling Coordinator, at 719-1610.  Click here for a guide from the RIRRC.

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How do I recycle a Christmas tree?

Christmas tree pickups are scheduled in January. Contact the Dept. of Public Works at 233-1440.  Please remove all ornaments, decorations, tinsel and stands. No plastic bags on trees.

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How do I dispose of residential yard waste?

Residential yard waste shall be defined as organic material such as but not limited to leaves, grass cuttings, shrubbery, brush and branches 6 inches in diameter or less or other material that may be naturally biodegradable. The following conditions are required:

  • Yard waste is collected from April 1st through December 15th – or until the first big snowfall. 
  • Yard waste must be placed in acceptable biodegradable, brown paper bags or in barrels clearly marked “Yard Waste”.
  • Branches and brush must be cut in lengths of 3 feet, bundled and tied.
  • Wood must be free of nails, cut to lengths of 3 feet and properly bundled and tied. Call the Department of Public Works at 233-1440 for details

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Is there a limit on yard waste disposal?

No. Yard waste should be in acceptable biodegradable, brown paper bags or in barrels clearly marked “Yard Waste”.  Yard waste in cardboard boxes is not acceptable.

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How do I dispose of leftover paint?

The best option is to use up all of the paint. If you have a substantial amount left over from your project, try contacting elementary schools, theater groups, Habitat for Humanity, the Ronald McDonald House, or other community groups to see if they can use your paint for their projects.

            Latex paint: Allow the paint to solidify, and then dispose the paint and the can in your regular trash. There are commercially available agents (as well as cat litter, sand or sawdust) that speed the solidifying process along. You can also simply pour thin layers (about 1″ of paint) into a cardboard box lined with plastic and then allow the paint to dry one layer at a time until all paint has hardened.

            Oil paint: Oil paint is a household hazardous waste, and must be taken to the Eco-Depot, either the main location at the Central Landfill in Johnston or at one of the satellite locations held around the state.

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How to I dispose of a refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer or water heater?

Effective November 29, 2021:

  • The Town will be charging 20 dollars for refrigerators;
  • The Town will be charging 20 dollars for washer and dryer;
  • The Town will be charging 15 dollars for air conditioners.

Appliances are collected by contacting DPW at 401-233-1440, Monday-Friday (7 am – 3:30 pm). Doors must be removed prior to pick up.

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Can I recycle ink jet cartridges?

Yes.  Ink jet cartridges can be recycled at the North Providence Recycling Office, 1995 Smith St.

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Who are the Town’s trash contractors?

MTG Disposal at 1-866-420-6342 collects all residential refuse, bulky items and residential recycling. 

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North Providence Town Hall
2000 Smith St. • North Providence, Rhode Island 02911
Phone (401) 232-0900 • Fax (401) 232-3434
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