Geographic Information System

A Geographic Information System or “GIS” is a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information (source: ESRI).

With GIS technology, people can compare the locations of different things in order to discover how they relate to each other. Once all of the desired data have been entered into a GIS system, they can be combined to produce a wide variety of individual maps, depending on which data layers are included. GIS allows multiple layers of information to be displayed on a single map.

GIS makes map creation and information retrieval efficient and easy. The town of North Providence uses GIS to create, maintain, and analyze spatial data. Though GIS has only been part of the town of North Providence since March 2014, GIS has become an important component for many projects throughout the departments. Some examples of North Providence’s GIS data includes new tax maps, new zoning maps, updating roads, hydrants and buildings.

For more information regarding the town’s GIS, please contact, GIS Coordinator at .

Disclaimer: While the Town makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the GIS data, the Town of North Providence provides this data as is, with all faults. The Town of North Providence makes no claims, no representations and no warranties, regarding the reliability, completeness or the accuracy of the GIS data.

GIS Map Library:
The following maps have been stored as Adobe pdf files and can be viewed online or downloaded to your computer:

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Copyright © 2025 Town of North Providence, Rhode Island USA. All rights reserved.
North Providence Town Hall
2000 Smith St. • North Providence, Rhode Island 02911
Phone (401) 232-0900 • Fax (401) 232-3434
email • map & driving directions

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