Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry

Residents of North Providence, if the Police or Fire Department should know important medical information about you or your family member, please register with the State via the Rhode Island Special Needs Emergency Registry. This is a secured site and the information is only provided to the Department of Health and your local Police and Fire Dept personnel.

Watch this video for more information on the program and what it does.

North Providence Pool and Fitness Center CLOSED Until Further Notice

UPDATED – 8/8/23

~ The Pool and Fitness Center will remain CLOSED Until Further Notice. ~


Code Red Community Notification System

CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment PageSign up for CodeRed – our Resident Emergency  & Weather Warning Notification System

Registration Link

Update – July 5, 2016: This is the Town of North Providence, RI with an important message for all residents and businesses in North Providence.

We have recently upgraded our CodeRED Community Notification System to include CodeRED Weather Warning, an automatic severe weather notification service, to alert citizens in the path of severe thunderstorms, flash floods and tornadoes.

Unlike community notification, citizens must register to receive these warnings by going to the CodeRED website and entering their contact information. At sign up you may select which types of warnings you’d like to receive. Entering your information will also update our Community Notification System with your current contact details. There is no charge to register for this service.

If you know of anyone who did not receive this call who lives in New Providence, please encourage them to visit the city website and enter their information.

Should you not have Internet access, please contact a friend or family member to help add your contact information. You can also call the North Providence Communications Director Ralph Nahigian directly at 401-719-1500 ext 3 for assistance. When calling please leave your name and phone number on his voice mail.


The Town of North Providence has installed a Resident Emergency Notification System called “CODERED.” In the event of a town-wide emergency or a localized geographical emergency, the town’s police department, fire department, emergency management agency or designated local official will be able to call, email, and text thousands of residents at once, notifying them of the emergency and also give instructions if needed. Using GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping databases provided by the town’s GIS Coordinator. CODERED can target a notification to a few as residents on one street, or to residents within a 5 block radius or even a 2 miles radius for example.

Any messages regarding the safety, property or welfare of the residents of North Providence will be disseminated using the CODERED system. These may include local AMBER alerts, locations of shelters for weather events, emergency instructions due to a large fire or chemical incident, boil water advisories, or evacuation notices.

The CODERED system will also allow residents to register for non-emergency and generic town notifications by email and text message. These messages may include parking bans, upcoming town events, closings of town buildings, road hazards, or weather alerts for our area.

Technology plays a vital role in everyone’s day-to-day life. We know that not everyone uses a house phone today. In Rhode Island 74 percent of 9-1-1 calls were made from a cell phone last year compared to 54 percent the previous year. More people use email and texting to communicate and it’s the town’s responsibility ensure we use those avenues to also communicate with our residents for official information.

The call-out database is compiled of 13,000 phone numbers, based on the 9-1-1 database for landline phones, however, there is no 9-1-1 database for cell phones so we need to ask our residents to register with our CODERED system. To do so they can click on the “CODERED” link. They can register for EMERGENCY notifications only or they can also register for generic notifications as well. Residents should feel safe to know that the information they provide on the link is safe. Resident information is not, and will not be, shared with anyone. No one has access to the account but designated police and fire officials.

We encourage people to register. We want the residents of North Providence to feel safe in their community and by providing this notification service to them, it’s another reason they may rest assured that the town is always trying to find ways of protecting them.

If any resident or business has any questions about the CODERED system, or needs help registering, they may contact the Communications Director, Ralph Nahigian at 401-231-8505 ext 303 or email at .


Emergency Information

This page will be deployed in case of any type of town, state or national emergency and during severe weather events. 

Should those types of situations occur, this page will be prominently linked from the front page of NorthProvidenceRI.gov for as long as it is required.  

During an event, we will continually update this page – blog-style – as information is received, with the most recent information appearing at the top of the page – please scroll down for more information.  

We will also be utilizing Twitter & Facebook  to post this same information.  Other helpful information is posted in the left & right sidebars of this page.

To Follow North Providence Agencies Online:

Town Government:  On this website at www.northprovidenceri.gov or follow on Twitter @northprovri or Facebook 

Emergency Management: www.northprovidenceri.gov/emergency-management/

Police Department: www.nppolice.com or follow on Twitter  @nppolice or Facebook 

Fire Department: www.northprovidenceri.gov/fire/  

In a power outage, you may find it useful to utilize a smart-phone and follow one or all of these agencies on Twitter.  These accounts can easily be viewed without signing up for a Twitter account and will keep you up-to-date. You can see a feed of the Town’s Twitter account in the right column.


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Copyright © 2025 Town of North Providence, Rhode Island USA. All rights reserved.
North Providence Town Hall
2000 Smith St. • North Providence, Rhode Island 02911
Phone (401) 232-0900 • Fax (401) 232-3434
email • map & driving directions

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