Methods of Payment – Appeal Your Bill
Tax Collector’s Forms – Tax Sale Information
Frequently Asked Questions
View, Print or Pay your Tax Bill online on the North Providence RI Tax Database. You will need your account number and PIN # from your Tax Bill. Please remember to use zeros – “0”, not the letter “O” and be sure to put the dashes in the account number.
Tax Roll: View Real Estate, Tangible and Motor Vehicle Tax Information
The Town Collector bills and collects all taxes Real Estate, Motor Vehicle and Personal Tangible from property owners and businesses. Any taxpayer moving (within town or out of town) and/or closing a business must notify the Town with a forwarding address. Tax bills are mailed once a year in August.
Methods of Payment
The Town offers different methods for payment:
*You may pay quarterly (total bill divided evenly by 4) by using the stubs located on the bottom of your tax bill. Payments are due before the last day of August, November, February and May.
*You may pay by a 10 month payment plan. Payments are due before the last days of September thru June. For information and application see “Tax Collector’s Forms”.
*You may pay in full before August 31st of the current tax year. (No discount applies)
*Pay Your Tax Bill online at You will need your account number and PIN # from your Tax Bill. (Starts approximately August 1, 2014)
Any town resident having a problem or in need of information may call for assistance.
Helpful Tax Information
Tax Payment Quarterly due dates:
- 1st Quarter: August 1-31st. Delinquent after September 14th
- 2nd Quarter: November 30th. Delinquent after December 14th
- 3rd Quarter: February 28th. Delinquent after March 14th
- 4th Quarter: May 31. Delinquent after June 14th
Payments due last day of the months from September through June. Delinquent after 14th day of the payment month.
If at any time your account becomes delinquent, the interest policy goes into effect. Payment must be in the office before delinquent date.
Receiving a Tax Bill
It is the responsibility as a property owner to make sure that all the taxes are paid, regardless of whether or not you have received your tax bill. If you did not receive your bill, and it is not being paid by an escrow account, please contact the Tax Collector’s Office at (401) 232-0900 during business hours Monday – Friday.
- Any taxpayer or business owner must notify the town of a forwarding address.
- Tax bills are mailed once a year in August.
- To receive a receipt for a tax payment, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Inquiries on Property Values
Information on property values is on the Tax Assessor’s page.
Delinquent Motor Vehicle Accounts
Delinquent Motor Vehicle accounts or a block at the Registry of Motor Vehicles can only be cleared once the taxes have been paid in full and are now current. Payment can be made by cash, money order or certified check.
Tangible Taxes
All Tangible taxes must be current as of the first (1st) day of the installment period before any business license can be approved.
Appeal Your Bill
Any taxpayer can appeal their bill. You must keep your taxes current while going through the appeal process. Any over-payments will be refunded. See instructions on how to appeal in “Tax Assessors Forms”.
Tax Collector’s Forms
Application for the 10 month Tax Club Payment Plan
Payments are made before the last days of September through June. Taxes must be current to apply (all previous years paid). Your total bill must be over $120.00. You may apply for Real Estate, Motor Vehicle or Tangible Business.
Application for Municipal Lien Certificate
You must include a self addressed stamped envelope, a check for $25.00 and mail to:
Town of North Providence
Tax Collection Office MLC
2000 Smith Street
North Providence, RI 02911
Tax Sale Information
Link to 2024 Collector’s return (List of properties sold on 5/15/2024)
The next Tax Sale will be Wednesday, May 15, 2024 @ 10.00 am in the Town Council Chambers..
2024 Tax Sale Notice & List (.pdf)
Updated online 5-14-2024
Tax Sale Forms (Do not sign forms as they need to be notarized.)
- W9 form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification)
- Auction Registration Form (Registration For Tax Sale)